US Cup Junior Series Prepares for Virtual Nationals
By: Cody Herring
April 5, 2016 – The road to nationals has arrived for the US Cup Junior Series. Beginning in December
boy and girl ski-jumpers have competed in the four regions (Alaska, Central, East, and West) to qualify
for the virtual nationals. The scores from the season have been totaled and the top three of each
division (U10, U12, and U14 boys and girls) have sent their video jump in to be judged for nationals.
Jeff Hastings has worked with this event since its inaugural season. He will be commentating the junior
national videos that are set to be released one a day beginning April 7th until April 12th.
“Each region competed in at least one jumping competition during the season to set the top three who
would make it to virtual nationals,” Hastings said “The finals videos are being put together now and all
of the jumps will be judged by our celebrity panel of judges.”
This panel will rank the jumps on a 100 point scale and the results will be showcased in videos
distributed by the US Cup Junior Series. Each region will be well represented after a very successful
season that saw many youth jumpers compete. Hastings praised the events saying “This is a wonderful
series that allows kids at a very young age to see other people jump and truly learn and become better
ski jumpers.”