My dad is one one of the most kind, loving, and whole hearted people I know. He has always let me do what I loved to do, no matter what it was. He has always supported me and I am so great-full to have someone in my life like that. Love you dad! – Rachael Haerter
My dad is my rock, pure and simple. He has helped me in my lows and highs and I am incredibly grateful for that. I am also quite lucky as he is one of my favorite outdoor adventure partners. He is always up for fun on bikes and skis and taught me that from a young age. Here’s to more fun days, love ya dad! – Jasper Good
A special Happy Father’s Day to the one and only Guy Larson. Thank you for teaching me all the important things of how to take on this world and how to enjoy it! Miss you, love you! Happy Father’s Day to all the great fathers! – Cara Larson
Thank you for being an incredible step-father and supporting our journey as skiers. You inspired us greatly after the hardship you battled. You have made sure that we always called home to make sure our nervous nelly of a mom knew we were alive and things were going well. You made sure we could learn to forget when things weren’t going so well. You were incredible supportive through the tough times these last few years. Looking forward to the next adventures we will have, love you! – Taylor Fletcher
I love that my dad introduced me to skiing and biking. To this day, both activities are such a huge part of my life and I’m so thankful I grew up having them. Time with my dad always includes a day skiing or a bike ride through the mountains. This has impacted me in such a positive way on how I cherish outside activities and my overall active lifestyle. Both my parents shared their love of sport with me and it has taught me so much as a person; grit, perseverance and sportsmanship. I am so thankful for my Dad. Happy Father’s Day. – Sarah Hendrickson
Dad, thank you for always supporting me in all my endeavors and for always being there through the ups and downs! I love you so much! Happy Father’s Day! – Stephen Schumann
I couldn’t have asked for a better person to lead me through my early years of life. My dad has taught me me more then I could ever imagine and I hope to be as good of a father one day. To the most dedicated, hard working man I know, Happy Father Day! – Decker Dean
This is my dad Paul. He is the person who got me started in Nordic Combined to begin with. Maybe he didn’t like me or something because you don’t see many parents encouraging their kids to go launch off of massive jumps, or maybe he just thought ski jumping was cool – probably the latter. Anyway, it turns out I loved ski jumping and nordic combined and my dad was there with me from the very beginning. He also got involved in the sport as I progressed by becoming an official for ski jumping and nordic combined competitions, and became both a national judge and technical delegate, and is still officiating today. Thanks for being there from the beginning Dad! I love you, and Happy Father’s day! – Grant Andrews
My dad is a tough old yooper who enjoys hunting, chopping wood, drinking coffee, bird watching, and following the news. He is very intelligent and thoughtful, and he’s the proudest father I know. I think he’s more grateful and appreciative of being a father because he wanted kids so much and didn’t have the opportunity until he met my mother when he was in his 50’s. He has a unique perspective on life–he was raised in the Depression by his single mother, was drafted for the army, and spent his 20’s hitchhiking across the US studying geology. He has a ‘free range’ idea of raising his children. I have memories of being very lost in the woods when I was probably four or five years old–something that is rare for my generation. He taught me to be independent, tough, and caring because that’s how he is. He’s also a stubborn Swede like many of the people in our area of the US. I don’t think there’s a dad out there quite like my dad and I’m thankful for that. “Jag älskar dig Dad”–I love you and Happy Father’s Day. – Nita Englund