Talia Maki-Foust – December 3rd, 2021


  1. Sven Heistad


    1. USA Nordic Sport

      We are glad that you enjoyed the story!

  2. Robert Wieckowicz

    Every worthwhile avenue of human endeavor bares it’s own Red Badge of Courage.

    1. USA Nordic Sport

      Indeed it does! Thank you for reading the story.

  3. Tom Govin

    I remember her mom. Talia will ski again. It’s in her blood.

    1. USA Nordic Sport

      Talia has a bright future in skiing, that’s for sure!

  4. Michael Sundgaard

    Lots of childhood memories here. My Dad used to take us to the Ski Jumping Competition at Battle Creek in St. Paul. His brother, my uncle, participated. Jumping has been in my uncle’s family ever since. I still watch jumping in the Olympics and can see the huge improvements in technique over the years. It is nice to see the youth of our country keeping it alive.

    1. USA Nordic Sport

      Those are some great memories for sure, we are glad this story could take you down memory lane! We are very happy as well that the youth of the country are keeping it alive!

  5. Timo

    This was enjoyable to read. Talia. And you are totally correct about getting to ski with a friend who will share your ski-jumping challenges. Like taking a spill or just feeling afraid. The challenges you can make progress towards winning are the common ones which even Masters face…speed, balance, coordination. You are so right about practice…it will grow into confidence, and confidence means you are learning this special sport. It is special because so few kids learn it. I love that your friend, Layla, supports you with encouragement…telling you that your black eye will mend! And that you can still jump while it is mending. It’s a blessing to have friends, I always tell myself. I wish you kids to have Good luck as you jump. And I wish the season brings you more friends in the tracks. Maybe I can jump with you sometime. It’s pretty lonely in Masters class lately! I always enjoyed jumping with Jim, Larry and Doug. Maki ski jumping has been fun!
    Shinola from Timo. I read your story a third time.

    1. USA Nordic Sport

      This is some great advice, thank you Timo! We are very glad that you enjoyed this story.

  6. John Morris

    Talia, seeing your photo with Layla put a BIG smile on my face. Ski jumping with a friend is the best way to encourage one another in a high-risk sport that has its bumps & bruises.
    I did not begin Nordic skiing until age 40; my wife was my partner. We are still enjoying this great winter sport 34 years later! I hope to see both you & Layla on the leader board at future Olympic Games.

  7. Sverre

    Good write up Talia. I grew up skiing with her Mother. Coleraine was one of my favorite jumps too.

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