USASJ Story Project- Nov 8 JOHNSON/WELCH

1 Comment

  1. DON WEST writes-
    I'm ready to stake a little chip off of my reputation that Paul Johnson mis-identified one jumper in the picture with Tokle & Balfanz. He says "Ralf Sims" and I'm betting this was Ralph Semb who still lives just down the river from you in Erving Mass. He runs French King Bowling Center there in Erving and has run it since I skied with him in 1966. He was hot at just the right time to have gone to Europe in 1963.

    I skied with Paul Johnson before I moved east in 1965 but am cautioned in the assertion above by the fact that there was another Paul Johnson who skied later in the Central, taller and more blond. Paul-II comes around to our Masters events in St Paul and he was at your presentation in Eau Claire two years ago. I've attached a picture from 2010 with Paul-II in white shirt in back row.

    Paul-I was smaller with dark hair. I'm hoping that you can send me Iron Mt Paul's email address because I think that he starred in a video made from a movie from the 1950's showing kids in Iron Mt learning to ski jump. I need to track down the video — so far no luck — because I want to ask Paul how the jumping careers went for all of the other kids named in the movie and maybe post something on the web page.

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