Shawn Costello – December 29th, 2021


  1. Lisa Olimpio

    Wonderful story thank you. My great uncle Pokey Paulson was an early supporter many many years ago. I have find memories going there as a kid when visiting him and my grandparents.

    1. Dave Holt

      As. Boy I learned to ski jump from Pokey. I ne er knew he had family. I am 68 years old and I still have my medals from jumping completions he held. Dave Holt

    2. Brett Halvorson

      My name is Brett Halvorson and I spent many happy years learning from, working with, skiing with, and singing with Pokey, It was a great time to be one of Pokey’s kids! He was an inspiration to us all!
      Many years later, my brother, Scott, and I find ourselves helping to revive the ski jumping tradition that my grandfather, Alf Halvorson, and Pokey were so much a part of. One of my tasks is chronicling Pokey’s many contributions to youth jumping. I have a wealth of my own experiences from which to draw, but I’m missing one, crucial piece of information. What was Pokey’s real name? I knew him as a kid for many years, but always only as Pokey. Unfortunately, when I moved back to this area as an adult, he had already passed.
      Could you please provide me with his full name? My article wouldn’t be complete without it.


  2. Dennis McGrane

    Congrats Shawn, to bring the jump back seems like a miracle. I am encouraged to see so many clubs turning the tide through the leadership of jumpers like you and Scott and the collective efforts of communities like Berlin. Its so worth it to give kids a place to spread their wings and fly when there are so many other evil alternatives. Some day I would like to get Winter Park, Co. reestablished so your story provides hope and inspiration. Thank you.

  3. Rita

    So is it really going to be skiers skiing down the jump on Jan 26th. I would love to see it. I remember going as children to watch. I would definitely go.

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